At times even the party pooper “Madam-quit”, decides to barge in, but giving up is not an option...

Sometimes we end up just not knowing what to eat anymore... Believe me, this is a very common experience for all those who are partaking in a regime for clean eating. Getting the burnout feeling from the diet meals and the temptation to revisit the problematic food which seems to be the standard of fall. At times even the party pooper “Madam-quit”, decides to barge in, but giving up is not an option! Like you don’t have a choice if you know how badly you want your inner peace. Knowing that there are different types of replacement meals, snacks, and cheat meals in this journey is good news. You don’t have to do a U-turn, just continue right up:-)
If you are one of those who get bored easily from eating diet meals, have a proper cheat meal. You probably smiling from hearing this “from me”. Yes! you can have a strategized cheat meal as a token of motivation. But remember, if you eat more than 300g of carbs on that day, you will be retaining around 1 liter of water in your body also known as water weight (source: RZone fitness). If that’s not terrifying then I don’t know what you want?
Well, let's move on… a strategized cheat meal can be something that does not have too many calories nor spike your blood sugar levels such as having a burger but only (naked burger) eating the insides and eliminating the carbs from the buns. Eating microwave popcorns with less salt and less salty food, homemade dessert, fruit salad, nuts, and also snacking with green apple and a teaspoon of peanut butter…yes I know you probably saying “ I have eaten those a thousand times.”
Ok! Here is a list of food that contains very low calories
· Pancakes made with kale
· Kale crisps
· Variety of Smoothies such as banana, berries, pineapple, and mango
· Soups preferred hot (carrots, cabbage, leak, and one potato mix and herbs)
· Greek yogurt and berries
· Boiled eggs and ham
· Grilled fish salad
· Cottage cheese with carrots, cucumber, and celery
· Baked medium potato with butter and chicken breast
· Watermelon slices
· Chicken livers and toasted wholewheat bread
How many fruit and vegetable servings should you be eating per day?
a. 7
b. 3
c. 5
Answer: 5