Feeling like you have been run down?... Lacking motivation to do the things you love and once did them effortlessly…wondering where the spark is at?... the sudden drop of enthusiasm and loss of passion for what you love! An emotional drain from what you hear everyday?. Well, I have been there and the feeling is completely horrifying. I conducted a self-introspection to see what might have gone south with me, and nothing has changed. If you feel the same, know that you are not alone and these things happen.
The era we are in as a country and the world at large seems to take a toll on our lives. We cannot even ignore some of the things as they impact us directly such as; a sudden change in lifestyle due to anti-socialization, salary pay cuts, job losses and financial constraints, high food prices, political issues, and the recent unrest in the two provinces, covid-19 statistics not going down. The death toll keeps on rising resulting in endless grieves. We are in the gloom and dark as we face uncertainty, what we thought was a passing stage of lockdown seems to be overstaying and we are going back and forth with it. It clicked to me that I should have a skull session with myself this time. That as much as I exercise and eat healthily I should not forget about my mental vitality. I had a dialog with my mind and it wasa success! I used the following mind tools; motivational quotes, motivational podcasts, spiritual maintenance, motivational blog, and taking a break. These have all helped me bit the inner criticism and now I have answers to it.
Now let me break the points down so that you can get a proper idea of how all of these tools helped me…
7 Powwow Moments
1.Listening to motivational podcasts- Tiffany Han www.tiffanyhan.com topic: playing big by Tara Mohr
My take on the podcast: I was reminded that it is normal to feel overwhelmed and that seeking help is a great step forward. Tips for fighting inner criticism. Playing big means transforming yourself from playing small, taking bigger steps towards your goals and career. Not being afraid to be unique and dreaming big and utilizing your inner wisdom.
2.My best motivational quote: Hope lies in dreams, in imagination, and in the courage of those who dare to make dreams into reality.” -Jonas Salk
3. listen to good music: music makes us happy and elevates the mood, it's the language understood by the heart. When we are happy our immune system becomes, even more, stronger because the body releases immune-boosting hormones. Music makes you express your emotions so make sure to play good music so that you think about the only good staff. That way your brain conveys good thoughts without speaking a word.
4.The importance of Spiritual exercising: If you have once sowed a seed you will remember how the process went…getting the right seed first (what you want in life) and learning about the sowing depth (the waiting room), watering, and the germination of the seed (prayer and manifestation). Equipping yourself with this information prepares you to understand the growth process. For example, the time frame for the expectation of the sprouting of the seed (visible results). This lesson teaches about faith and patience. We plant with faith and hope, and during that process, we don’t dig up the seed to see how it's progressing, instead, we wait for the plant to emerge. Likewise, with our Faith and the hope we have in Christ. Knowing that there is no one above God and that nothing defeats him, gives me peace that supersedes all. I always meditate on this verse when feeling anxious. Ecclesiastes 9:11 “I saw something else under the sun: The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all”.
5.listing all your exciting moments and achievements: This refers to counting your blessings, being grateful for the things in your life. There are many ways to practice this such as having a jar of blessings or a shoebox filled with all your achievement in life…exciting isn’t? every time you remember the things you wanted to achieve and you already have them, you will write it down and deposit in a jar or box. Then one day when you feeling down, read them one by one (the most useful tool to elevate your spirit).
6.Fighting inner criticism: Often inner criticism occurs when one is envisioning life goals and are in a process of realizing them. Learning to recognize the difference between inner criticism and consciousness is the gateway to taking precise decisions. Once you have mastered the tone of the voices getting the right tools to silence your inner criticism is vital. Listen to the small voice that is guiding you into making good decisions and challenge the inner critic. As a vision holder, sometimes starting something new will leave you feeling overwhelmed, uncertain and wondering if things will ever work as planned. Don’t wait for someone to approve, validate and permit you to your dreams and goals, run with them. After all, you understand them better than anyone else. No one is going to build the life you want for you.
7.Taking a break: Sometimes we persist in wanting to stick around even when we feel drained and worn out. Taking breaks means a recovery process and energy/enthusiasm restoration, it does not mean defeat! Breaks reduce stress and facilitate recovery by returning your mental and physical state to their baseline. The pressure and stresses of nowadays are unignorable hence we turn to feel overwhelmed and stressed. What happens in the outside world affects us directly and indirectly and it’s unavoidable. Finding the balance between the equation is important for your wellbeing. Learn to protect your peace by filtering the information you get and only deal with what affects you directly.